US National Cesarean Data
Cesarean Birth Trends (1990-2016) in the U.S. Slides
Once upon a time (1990) one third of the states in the U.S. delivered less than 20% of their babies via cesarean section and no state even reached a 30% cesarean rate. Much has changed since then, starting in 2001 when Louisiana became the first state to ever reach a 30% cesarean rate. With each following year the overall U.S. cesarean birth rate continued to increase, with states reaching highs that exceeded 36%. These slides depict the map of the U.S. with its corresponding cesarean birth rates over the years and provides a clear visual of cesarean rate trends between 1990 and 2016. The slides are freely available for use in classrooms, childbirth education classes, and other settings. Download the PowerPoint file here.
Is there a Relationship between Pre-Pregnancy Obesity and Cesarean Sections? (2016)
Come and explore the latest video on issues related to birth as Dr. Gene Declercq explores the relationship between pre-pregnancy obesity and cesarean sections. How is BMI related to the likelihood of a cesarean? Slides include supplementary comments and information in the notes section. Download the PowerPoint file here.
Myth and Reality Concerning US Cesareans (2015)
Come and explore the trends in cesarean section in the United States over the past 25, as Dr. Gene Declercq explores myths related to why the rate has risen to what it is now, from where it was 25 years ago. Download the slides here.
Slides on Cesarean Trends (2015)
In conjunction with the release of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology recent article titled “The plateauing of cesarean rates in industrialized countries” by Gene Declercq et al., Birth by the Numbers has released an additional slide. Download the PowerPoint file here.
The Truth about C-Sections (2011)
Why do we have one of the highest rates of C-sections in the industrialized world? Why has the rate increased in years past? Explore these common explanations and myths.